Sunday, April 26, 2015

Technology and Teaching: My Philosophy

Technology and Teaching: My Philosophy

Before I took EDM 310, I was unaware of just how useful technology can be in a classroom. I knew of different types of technology and thought I had a good technology literacy foundation to build upon. However just a few weeks into this course I realized I had not even scratch the surface. While using technology in the classroom can have some issues, the positives greatly out weigh them. As a future teacher I want to use all the resources I can to be the best teacher because every students deserves the best teacher. Incorporating technology into how you teach a class opens up new opportunists for both students and the teacher. It allows students to gain knowledge and develop skills that they can use beyond school. It allows teachers to enrich their lessons, individualize lessons/projects for students to ensure everyone learns somethings, and make learning more exciting. Technology is something that is deeply in bedded into our world today, so not using it with students is irresponsible in my opinion. I believe every teacher should be technology literate and keep up with new upcoming technology. I plan on using Blogger, Google Doc, IMovie, Prezi, and Skype in my future classroom. I am sure I will expand that list as time goes on..

C4T #4 Summary

Summary of Pernille Ripp's Blog Post

This is a picture of a stack of "post-it"notes with a pencil about to write on the top one. Above the stack of "post-it" notes it reads "Commenting counts..."
Pernille Ripp wrote a very interesting post about her views and hesitations about using the popular app "Class Dojo". She looked at this from the angle of both a teacher and a parent. She elaborated on three main hesitations she has about the app and explains why she doesn't use it. The first hesitation is because of the "public ranking system" this app uses. She goes on to explains that she believes it is not beneficial to students for their class to see where they 'rank" among other classmates. Second, the time factor. To utilize all the features the app offers requires a lot of time that teacher could instead spend with their students. She also points out that "praise should be given immediately and be sincere, not entered into a computer." Third is the concern of parents knowing everything that happens everyday while their child is at school. The ranking system used by this app may not clearly communicate with parents possibly causing students to receive harsh punishments at home. Students should be able to have breaks from school and a little more independence than their parents checking the Class Dojo every few minutes. She closes her post by noting that there are positives about this app and invites other teachers to give her feedback on how they feel about it. 

My comment:

My name is Paige Inman and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I am currently studying to be an elementary education teacher. In my EDM 310 class we are assigned educators blogs that we have to comment on in order to connect with more people in our desired field. I will be posting a summary of your blog post to my class blog no later than April 26th. I invite you to come take a look!

Class Dojo is something I actually just heard about a few weeks ago. A fellow classmate of mine introduced our class to it and highlighted the some of the main features. I am glad I read your post and see another perspective of this app. I find that I agree with some of your hesitations with Class Dojo, mainly with the public ranking system. I believe a ranking system that all students can see could cause more harm to students than good. All students should feel comfortable in their classroom, they should not have to always worry what other will think of their "rank" in the class. Also the time factor would cause some concerns. Teachers may get so caught up with entering information into the app that they lose valuable time with their students. Class Dojo is something I want to revisit in the future when I am a teacher to see if this is something that could be beneficial in my classroom.

<a href""> Paige Inman's Class Blog</a>
<a herf""> EDM310 Class Blog</a>
<a herf"> @inman_paige</a>

Blog Post #14

Joel Klien's article, Self-discipline and high standards can secure the future of public schools identifies some problems in our public school system along with proposed solutions for these problems.

This is a picture of a black words with the words "problem", "think", and "solution" written on it, as well as a light bulb between problem and solution.

 1. Problem- Teachers do not have adequate academic training.
    Proposed Solution-  "National teacher examination" that test mastery of pedagogy and         content knowledge. Also, developing a demanding "knowledge base" along with a           "formal set of … peer relationships."

 2. Problem-Anyone with a degree can be a teacher.
    Proposed solution- New approach to recruiting for future teachers, recruit from the top       third of the graduates, and a 1-3 year supervised internship to evaluate the performance     of prospective teachers.

3. Problem- Teacher reward system is not working.
   Proposed solution- Do not let seniority equal job security. Establish own board to police     the profession, establishing standards, and providing mechanisms for removing               incompetent teachers

First, the problem of teachers not having adequate academic training. I do agree that this is a problem that needs to be addressed. In my opinion being a teacher is an incredibly important job. Teachers are helping mold and shape our future generations and that is not a job that should be taken lightly. I think that the proposed solution would be a step in the right direction. If teachers were required to pass a National teacher examination as well as required to have a demanding knowledge base, then they would have to further their own education and training to be able to qualify to teach.

Second, the problem of anyone with a degree can become a teacher. This problem ties in some with the first problem, but I felt it has some distinctions so I chose to identify it as its own problem. I also agree that this a problem and I agree with the proposed solutions. By changing the recruitment process to be more selective, prospective teachers would have to really work hard to even be considered to be hired. This process would help weed out individuals who may not be best suited to teach. I believe that the suggested one to three year supervised internship is a great was to see how someone would be as a teachers. However, if it is an unpaid internship some well qualified prospective teachers may not be able to financially afford it.

Third, the problem of the flawed teacher reward system. I could not agree more that this is a problem! As discussed in the article seniority should not equal job security, this allows incompetent teachers to maintain jobs while more competent, new hired teachers are the first to be let go. I 100% agree with the proposed solutions of establishing a board to police the profession, establishing standards, and providing mechanisms for removing incompetent teachers. When someone gets comfortable in a position they stop growing. They become stagnate in doing what they've always done, because there is no threat if they do not continue to improve their skills and methods. However, if every teacher was subject to an examination or formal review of their competences and the result could be the loss of their job, they would be motivated to do their best. If they were not motivated to be the best they can, then they do not deserve to be a teacher and should be removed.

Overall, I agree that all three of these problems are in fact problems and each of their proposed solutions could help fix our public education system. I have based my opinions on both facts from this article and from my own personal experience with teachers. Students should not have to suffer because incompetent teachers remain in school, teachers are not being trained well enough, and anyone with a education degree can be a teacher. I believe we need to look at the top education systems in the world, see what they are doing different than us, and make changes to model after them. For example, Finland requires teachers to have a masters degree before they can teach and they have one of the best school systems in the world. Reforming our education system in not something that can be done overnight, even with radical changes like the ones suggested in their article we still have a long way to go. However, I do believe we can make changes for be better by all of us being the best teachers we can be.

Project #16 Part A Group Blog Post

Using technology in the classroom.

This is a picture of an Ipad, a graphing calculator, and a laptop stacked on top of each other. The words "technology in the classroom" are in front of all the technologies listed.
Technology is an important aspect to incorporate into any lesson. Students need to be taught how to effectively use technology. The modern day world has so many uses for technology. As teachers, it is important that we use technology in a way where students will learn how to use it as well. The SMART Board is an important tool to use because this allows the whole class to get information through technology. The SMART Board allows students to either get information from something, like a powerpoint, or through many of the interactive lesson templates. Computers are also important to the students’ technology growth. Computers allow students to independently gather information. This allows students to learn the importance of being independent when working on classwork. Students need to learn how to use all of the latest and newest technology. When using technology, in the classroom, it is important to model safe behavior, so the students will pick up on it and model it themselves. Technology is important to the knowledge development of students. The best thing to do is teach children how to use technology early, so each student is fully prepared for life outside of formal school.

Using a project-based approach to learning in a classroom.

Using a project-based approach to learning in a classroom is a very effective way of engaging students so they learn on a deeper level. While project-based learning is not a new concept, using it to replace traditional lectures may cause some teachers to hesitate. Think about this, if you had to tie a tie for the first time ever how would you learn how to do it? Would you research it, listen to someone explain step-by-step instructions, guess, would you pick up a tie and just go for it, or would you want to utilize all these resources to learn how to tie a tie? Using PBL in the classroom is very similar, you want your students to do the hands on work. Using a project-based approach allows students to be more creative with their work. Also, when they have an audience with whom to share their work, they will work harder and take pride is what they produce. Teachers can both create projects and find existing project-based lessons to cover the necessary state standards. By allowing the students to do the work for themselves, the teacher is free to work more on a one-to-one ratio.  By using a project-based approach teachers can better prepare their students for life beyond school by helping them develop important skills researching, collaboration, problem solving, and creativity.

Blog Post # 5 Part 2

Final Summary of my PLN

this is a picture of the teitter iconBefore I started EDM 310 I had never heard about a PLN, let alone known how useful they are. I had a Twitter account that I never used because I never saw much use for it. Now that I am at the end of EDM 310 boy have my eyes been opened! As I began to explore personal learning networks and how to build my own I was a bit overwhelmed by all the resources available. Now I am very proud of my PLN and I will continue to grow it. I even got my husband to start his own for his career interest. I now use Twitter regularly, I may not "tweet" a lot, but I am constantly looking for more people to add to my PLN. However, I have found I am very selective of who I choose to follow, because I want get the most out of my PLN. Quality over quantity has really been my mindset while expanding my PLN. It is very exciting when a "big shot" twitter person favorites my tweets or follows me.

This is a picture of the Pinterest icon which is a white "P" inside of a red square.
I also created a Pinterest account specifically for teaching resources. I have had personal Pinterest account for a few years so it is significant in size, I decided to start with a blank slate for my teaching one.  I have found so many different blogs, teachers, lesson plan, activities, and projects on Pinterest that it is hard no to Pin them all.  The resources on Pinterest seem to be endless. I would highly recommend including Pinterest as part of your PLN. I look forward to expanding my PLN in the years to come. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Summary for April C4K

This is a picture of a draing of a man holding a sign that says "Don't forget to leave your comment!"


Student post:
One thing I like about books is seeing the different types of writing style. Some writers choose to write their works of literature in one first person throughout the book. Others might change the part of view after each chapter with as many characters as they want. Some choose to write to where they can pick when they are writing as if they were silently, invisibly sanding with characters through the story. Each writer will write his or her book in different ways and different styles.

My comment:
This is a great observation of writing styles. I think it is very interesting to see these different writing styles and what they do for the story. I believe that the writing style choice has the power to make a story engaging or to lose the reader’s interest. As I have read more books, I have found I enjoy many different writing styles. I encourage you to keep reading and making great observations!


Student post:
In the New Zealand they start spaghetti tree they pick like a apple

My Comment:
This would have been an interesting beginning to April fool's in New Zealand. I wonder if they put spaghetti in the tree or if it was a spaghetti tree. Could you imagine what a sight that would be! I will be pondering this sentence later.
Paige Inman

C4K #10 

Nadia's Bucket List

5 years
  • Graduate
  • Make my parents proud
  • be in a good relationship
  • Have a stable job
  • have my liscence
  • Get over my insecurities
  • Be happy
10 years
  • gradute college
  • Get my masters
  • Be in a stable relationship/engaged
  • Good job
  • Be happy
  • be married
  • Have 5 kids
  • Be a good mom
  • learn to cook like my Jammie
  • Live in a good house in a nice neighborhood
  • Make a quilt for my house
  • Be happy

My comment

I think you have some great goals on your bucket list and with hard work you can accomplish them. When I was a senior in high school I had to make a bucket list similar to your's for my senior project. From time to time I will look back at my senior bucket list to see which one's I've accomplished and which ones have changed. As life changes so do some of your goals, but the last item on your list should never change. Be happy! 
Paige Inman

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Blog Post #13

Using Tumblr in the classroom

This is a picture of the Tumblr logo.

How could Tumblr be useful in your future classroom?

For this blog post you will create your own Tumblr and write a response to the driving question. Before you create your Tumblr page read and/or watch the following;

Complete the following: 

  • Create a Tumblr account of your own to use for school related things.
  • Follow the EDM 310 Tumblr page.
  • Follow at least five other Tumblr pages/blogs that will be useful for your future teaching career.
  • Share the links of the Tumblr pages/blogs you chose to follow.
  • Personalize your Tumblr page by adding a picture and a short bio of yourself.
  • Include a link to your Tumblr page

You are free to find other resources to help you answer the driving question just be sure to site them.

I could use Tumblr in my future classroom as an alternative blog. I could have my students create their own Tumblr pages where they can add their work. My students could follow other blogs according to their interest. Tumblr is a great resource because users can choose from seven different post when adding to their Tumblr page. The post options are text, photo, quote, link, chat, audio, and video. Tumblr also allows parents to see the work their child is doing. I believe students will enjoy using Tumblr because they get to be more creative with their post. I will make sure my students use Tumblr responsibly and safety. I believe if used correctly Tumblr can be a great technology tools for my future class room.

My Tumblr
The Tumblr blogs I chose to follow were Teaching feels like,Teaching literacy, Lesson in teachingTeachers world wide, and Tech ed Blog.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Summary of Comments for Teachers #3

Summary of Post #1

This is a picture of the logo for the Reading Summit for Educators. it reads the title of the even and "Believe in the power of independent reading."

In this blog post, 2015 Scholastic Reading Summits for Educators, the Library girl announced that she would be on of the speakers at this event. More specifically she is going to be a speaker at the Birmingham event. she provided some links in order for readers to find more information about the event and to register for the summit event.

Comment #1

Dear Library girl,
MY name is Paige Inman and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. Every few weeks we are assigned a blog of an educator and asked to comment on their most recent post. I will be posting a summary of both your post and my comments no later than April 12th and I invite you to come check it out. I have heard of the Scholastic Reading Summit for Educators before however, I had not known much about it. After following some of the links you provided I now have a better understanding of what this event is about. What an exciting opportunity for you! I am only a few hours away from Birmingham and I would love to look into attending. I look forward to reading more of your post.
Paige Inman

<a href="">Paige Inman's Blog</a>

<a herf="">EDM310 Class Blog</a>

Summary of Post #2

In this blog post titled The Art of Listening  by The Library Girl (aka Jennifer), She told about an experience she had when she started at a new school. Jennifer arrived at her new school for a teacher work day and found out that she had not received an email sent by the principle explaining that she was responsible for creating a station that all faulty would come to to find out about updates and what the new year would hold. So she acted quickly and decided to ask the faculty "What would it take to make you see bringing students to the library as a good use of your instructional time?". The teachers and other faculty were provided with post-it notes to write their responses. She received some great feed back that she was able to categorize and use to make their school library more inviting. 

Comment #2

Often times we are so caught up in our own ideas that we forget to listen to others. I am glad your experience ended on a positive note and turned out to be very beneficial to you. As a future teacher I intend on genuinely listening to not only my students but to my fellow colleagues ad well. I enjoy reading your post and I am looking forward to more.
Paige Inman
<a herf="> Paige Inman's EDM310 blog </a>

Blog Post #12

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blog Post #11

What can we learn about teaching and learning from these teachers?

This is a visual representation of the blended learning cycle. It list the major compenents of the blended learning cycle which are as follows; Engage, explore, explain, expand, evaluate, online, mobile, and classroom.In the video Blended Learning Cycle, Paul Anderson discusses what the Blended Learning Cycle is and how he uses it in his own classroom. The Blended Learning Cycle is actually two teaching methods combined into one. Blended learning is combining the components of online, mobile and classroom learning. The Learning Cycle is composed of 5 parts the students partake in; engage, explore, explain, expand, and evaluate. Mr. Anderson has found this combination to work very well in his own classroom and encourages other teacher to use it. However, according to Mr. Anderson perhaps the most important part of the learning process is a asking a good question. I completely agree with this statement and it had made me really consider the importance of asking questions. If students are not motivated to answer the driving question or if the question is shallow and lacks deep insight, then teachers will not receive the feedback they are hoping for. From Mr. Anderson I learned about how to enhance the learning process for students by incorporating a Blended Learning Cycle as well as asking the right questions while teaching is essential for meaningful results from students.

This is a picture of the cover of the book "Making thinking visible"
In this video Making Thinking Visible Mark Church explains an activity he does with a group of students instructing them to create a headline that captures the heart of the unit they are in. Students work in groups to come up with their headlines and then they are asked to explain why their headline says what it does. After a few weeks students are asked again to come up with a headline now that they are further into the unit. I believe something to learn from this video is that as students learn more about a topic/subject their knowledge grows so it is important to have your students expand on what they previously thought. By Mr. Church asking his students further into the unit "What is their headline now?", he in engaging them into deeper thought processes that requires them to evaluate what their knowledge on the topic.

This is a picture of a student creating their own digital super hero online.
I fount the video Teaching Digital Citizenship to be a very fun video of students really engaging in an important lesson. Internet safety is extremely important when it comes to having students online in your classroom. In this video Mr. Sam Pane was teaching a lesson on internet safety and how to be super digital citizens. According to Mr. Pane a super digital citizen is someone who chooses to act safely, respectfully, and with responsibility. Students were given instructions to create their own online super hero then to write a narrative comic strip where their hero saves the student from making a bad internet choice. Now the teacher could have just lectured at the students the entire time about how important internet safety is he probably could have put the majority of the class to sleep. Instead he choose to engage his students in something where they will produce meaningful work. I believe perhaps the biggest lesson we can learn from Mr. Pane in this video is his statement when you give students the ability to use their own pictures and create their own scripts it gives students greater ownership of their work. As teacher we should strive to help students feel ownership of their work and to be proud of it.